21 November 2009

First Communion Follies

My pastor talked me into teaching a First Communion class this year, so I've been checking out videos of First Communions folks have posted on YouTube. After viewing several of them, though, I have just one question:

What the blankety-blank is up in some parishes with having the kids stand in the sanctuary and sing ditties and do sign language?

Witness the following example (starting at around 0:45 or so):

Or this one (complete with what sounds like recorded music, prohibited by the rubrics):

It's bad enough when sacro-pop shows up at Mass, but when it involves first communicants, I believe it's an absolute scandal.

Music for Christ the King

Tomorrow's music for the end of another liturgical year:

Entrance: "To Jesus Christ Our Sovereign King"
Communion: "All Glory, Praise, and Honor"
Recessional: "Rejoice, the Lord Is King"

I SAID This Blog Would Be "Occasional"

I've been a baaaad boy.

I haven't posted anything since July.

But I did warn y'all when I started this....