Another short one this time—we're not given much time between events and I have to schlep the laptop to the student union to get onto the only WiFi connection we're authorized to use on campus.
Today's Mass went well, a Requiem for all deceased CMAA members. The advanced men's schola took on the Alleluia, Requiem aeternam, and led the Dies irae, while my polyphonic choir sang Martin Rivaflecha's (1479–1528) Anima mea liquefacta est after Communion.
The second day of Fr Kirby's series on liturgical theology brought a discussion of the elements of lectio divina (divine reading) in one of the verses of the Dies irae. There's so much information coming out of that session, I'll probably have to do a separate post to cover everything.
Dinner's supposed to start at 6:30, but I'm stuck in the student union for a while until this summer squall passes over. I might be able to post more after Compline tonight.
UPDATE (10 PM EDT): Fajitas for dinner, followed by a lecture from the ubiquitous Dr William Mahrt on the Divine Office.
Cecilia Nam gave an entertaining session on "Connecting Emotions to Performance Technique," in which she pointed out that singers should be given mental warmups as well as vocal ones, and that choir directors and singers all should study the pieces they're about to sing to see what emotions the composer wanted to evoke.
As is the standard practice at every Colloquium, we're adding more Latin to our singing of Lauds and Compline each day, and eventually we'll sing the entireity of each office in Latin.
Tomorrow's schedule:
8:15–9:45—chant practice
10:00–11:00—Psalm Tones and Modes (day 3 of 5)
1:00–2:30—polyphony practice
3:00 until it finishes—Mass
4:45–6:00—Liturgical Theology (last day)
There's supposed to be dinner, a panel discussion, a reception, and Compline after that, but tomorrow's my laundry day, so I get a break of sorts.
Durandus on the First Sunday of Lent
The following excerpts are taken from the sixth book of William Durandus’
Ratione Divinorum Officiorum, chapter 32, 6-11. There are fewer ellipses
than usu...
1 hour ago
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