21 June 2010

The Exercise Will Be Good For Me

Made it to Duquesne University about 12:30 this afternoon, a stark change after two days of Westins and Sheratons. I'm by myself in my dorm room, but have to share a bathroom with a fellow Collqui-ite; having my own bathroom at Loyola for the last two Colloquia has spoiled me, I guess, but I used to have to share with 25+ guys in high school and my freshman year of college, and, unlike in high school, I don't have to endure a daily room inspection or pull what the military calls "bay orderly."

Duquesne, just east of the skyscrapers of downtown Pittsburgh, sits on top of a bluff overlooking the Monongahela River. Colloquium participants had been warned that the campus was hilly, but I wasn't prepared for San-Francisco-on-the-Mon. There's just no escaping hill climbing here, although I think I've found a path or two that minimizes the discomfort. Hiking several  blocks to the church where all of our Masses are scheduled, on the other hand, is likely to be a challenge, but hey, I could do with a little workout now and then....

Plans for the evening: a reception about half-an-hour from now, followed by dinner; introductory comments; a lecture by Dr William Mahrt, president of the CMAA; and Compline in the University Chapel, another good hike from the lecture hall.

Let the "Seven Days of Musical Heaven" and the "Burning of the Excess Calories" begin!

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